Gammal Mariavisa
Kristallen den
arr. Gunnar Eriksson
"Kristallen den fina" הוא
קוודליבט (יצירה מוזיקלית המשלבת מספר מלודיות שונות). המלודיה הראשונה: "Kristallen
den fina"
במשקל 6/8 ועם טקסט הלקוח משיר אהבה, מושר בכל רחבי שבדיה בחג המולד.
שתי הנעימות האחרות הן כורלים לותרניים.
הנעימה הראשונה: "Världens frälsare kom här" ("מושיע העולם
הגיע") והמושרת בפי הטנור מוכרת גם בגירסה הגרמנית:
"Nun komm der heiden Heiland".
הנעימה השניה (אלט): "O Kriste, du som ljuset är" היא במקורה
המזמור גריגוריאני: "Christe qui lux est et dies".
Professor Gunnar Eriksson was trained at the Royal Music Academy in Stockholm,
and is one of the most recognized pupils of the world famous choir leader and
Polar Music Prize winner Professor Eric Ericson. Professor Gunnar Eriksson
teaches choir and ensemble conducting at the State College of Music and the
State Opera College at The University of Gothenburg. He spends most of his
spare time travelling around the world conducting and teaching several
generations of choirs and their leaders. Gunnar is in demand throughout Europe
and Asia as a clinician and workshop leader, partly because of his great
technical command and skill, but also because of his sense of playfulness,
which he uses to teach the art of choral improvisation (as in his book Kör ad
lib). Gunnar Eriksson is also the leader of The Gothenburg Chamber Choir,
which has existed for over 25 years and recorded some 20 albums and made
several tours around the world.