Let thy hand be strengthened and thy right hand be exalted. | éã ìÀêÈ æÀøåÉòÇ òÄí-âÌÀáåÌøÈä úÌÈòÉæ éÈãÀêÈ úÌÈøåÌí éÀîÄéðÆêÈ. |
Let justice and judgement be the preparation of thy seat! | èå öÆãÆ÷ åÌîÄùÑÀôÌÈè îÀëåÉï ëÌÄñÀàÆêÈ |
Let mercy and truth go before thy face. | çÆñÆã åÆàÁîÆú éÀ÷ÇãÌÀîåÌ ôÈðÆéêÈ. |
Alleluia. | äÇìÀìåÌéÈäÌ. |
úäìéí ôø÷ ô"è |