Richard Felciano


Psalm 144 , 57

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Richard Felciano is a contemporary classical and electronic composer whose musical career spans over fifty years. This innovative and experimental artist has received awards and commissions from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Ford, Fromm, Rockefeller, and Guggenheim Foundations, the French & Italian Governments, the American Academy of Arts & Letters, and the City of Berlin.

Felciano’s music “reflects an acute interest in acoustics and sonority and an attempt to cast them in ritual, architectural, or dramatic forms,” according to Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of 20th-Century Classical Musicians. In 1987 he founded the Center for New Music & Audio Technologies (CNMAT), a world renowned interdisciplinary facility linking all of UC Berkeley’s disciplines related to sound (music, cognitive psychology, linguistics, computer science, and architecture).

We worked closely with the eighty-year old composer and his family to understand his musical legacy, and architect and design a website that pays homage and gives access to his over one-hundred compositions. Here, one can peruse his work, listen to and download his scores, read his biographical history and get updated on his current news.